Thursday, 22 July 2010

Mark Ronson & The Business Intl - Bang Bang Bang

Now, I'm quite fond of this video. I mostly like it's retro sci-fi feel, I think everything works together really well. Sounds work very well with the images and vice versa.
Directed by Warren Fu, seems quite distinctive for his style - well, he did something with the sci-fi feel before. Also Q-Tip is in it, he is fantabulous as always! The chick, MNDR, her eyes look like she just came from outer space/another dimension, very convincingly fits in. Looking at Ronson just makes me wanna slap him but hey, he is able to produce some decent stuff so I'll let him go this time : )

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Hey folks!

These are pipin hot pics I just got developed. I can't tell you how much I love film cameras, especially this one. All the excitement of not knowing what's gonna come out. Yeaha!
I am extremely happy about the outcome, ohhh sunny weather makes everything look/ feel better! I wish it could last forever. Check those vibrant summery colours, it's all happening in Brighton.
The last photo is not but it's an amazing example of how you create a texture on a building for example.
I first shot manhole then I did another shot over it of a building and the sky. Whenever there is sky, everything else disappears as it's so bright.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Hey, remember the last time I was mentioning this super cool A6 book I got myself the other day?
I found it! It's been put together by Lezilus based in Paris. I love their design. Intrigued? Go to their website and check artist profiles, they are just too good.
If you wanna get your hands on,
go to Nobrow, 62 Great Eastern Street, London, EC2A 3QR.

It's a gallery and studio so worth visiting. There is a lot of illustration stuff there, mainly from their own production. I personally really loved Jack Teagle's illustration style, it's funny and good lookin.
Here is some of his stuff I've spotted in Nobrow - you can buy his artwork there.

Monday, 12 July 2010


Everyone that knows me is aware of how much I love the retro business.
I stumbled upon a group of "designers, writers, artisans & thinkers" hiding under PTARMAK name, based in the States.
I've selected a few of the coolest pieces of their work. That beverage packaging really does it for me. It's cool, it's different and it's got that screen printed feel.

Monday, 5 July 2010

URBAN LUSH: my London book

This is the whole of my Urban Lush London book. It is A6 size version (original is A5) and it's a bit different layout as before (better!). At the moment I'm totally obsessed by A6 sized books and I just wanna make millions of them. They are just so handy and cute. I first fell in love with them when I bought...Damn, I misplaced it! Can't remember what the title was either.
Well, I guess we just figured the problem with little books, they are so small you can't find them! Oh well, will let you know when
I find it again. Until then -