Saturday, 18 June 2011

nice one

I can't remember where I found this and whether it's hipstamatic but the colours are just unbelievable - check that gradient- super lush!


Just came across some cool packaging design from my homeland. There's loads of little details on the bottle that make you realise someone has seriously put their mind into it.
I love the screw top with a nice logo on it and that textured pattern on the bottle is just so doing it for me. Well done LUKSSTUDIO
the whole marketing campaign has been equally successfully carried out by LUNA\TBWA

Monday, 6 June 2011


My dear blog,

You're probably all rusty by now, it's been ages since I've done anything with you.
But here we go, whole new update on things. Today, last day of uni. Whole new chapter starting. Freedom. New York here I come.
Also, update on my last branding project and the design journey of it